Tuesday, July 12, 2011

101 Computer Facts

01. The world's first computer, called the Z1, was invented by Konrad Zuse in 1936. His next invention, the Z2 was finished in 1939 and was the first fully functioning electro-mechanical computer.

02. Bill Gates' house was designed using a Macintosh computer.

03. Bill gates & Paul Allen started a company called Traf-O-Data to monitor traffic flow.

04. Bill Gates dropped out of college (Harvard) before founding Microsoft.

05. Bill Gates math SAT score was a perfect 800.

06. By the year 2012 there will be approximately 17 billion devices connected to the Internet.

07. E-mail has been around longer than the World Wide Web.

08. In the 1980s, an IBM computer wasn't considered 100 percent compatible unless it could run Microsoft Flight Simulator*.

09. On eBay, there are an average of $680 worth of transactions each second.

10. The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute, less than half the normal rate of 20.

11. While it took the radio 38 years, and the television a short 13 years, it took the World Wide Web only 4 years to reach 50 million users.

12. The first banner advertising was used in 1994.

13. The first domain name ever registered was Symbolics.com

14. First ever microprocessor by Intel was “4004”.

15. Micral N was the first personal computer built on Intel processor 8008. This personal computer was built in 1972 and more than 90,000 units were sold.

16. First computer virus was written by Farooq Alvi brothers (Basit Farooq Alvi & Amjad Farooq Alvi) in 1986. Though some other people say that it was written even before. Alvi brothers wrote this virus to protect their research work.

17. First hard disk drive was introduced by Seagate in 1979, which could hold 5 M.B. of data.

18. For every 'normal' webpage, there are five porn pages.

19. First Computer Company to register domain name was “Digital Equipment Corporation”

20. Top Ten Supercomputers of Today:-
Arranged according to the speed:-
#01. Bluegene/L DD2 Beta-system(IBM).

#02. Columbia (NASA).

#03. Earth Simulator (NEC).

#04. MareNostrum(Barcelona Supercomputer Center).

#05. Thunder (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory).

#06. ASCI Q(Los Alamos National Laboratory).

#07. System X(Virgina Tech).

#08. Blugene/L DD1 Prototype(IBM).

#09. eServer pSeries 655 cluster(Naval Oceanographic Office).

#10. Tungsten(National Center For Supercomputing Applications).

21. The first computer mouse was introduced in 1968 by Douglas Engelbart at the Fall Joint Computer Expo in San Francisco.

22. The first consumer computers were introduced by IBM in 1974/75. In 1981, Microsoft introduced the computer operating system of the century. User friendly Microsoft Windows was first introduced in November 1985.

23. Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 first coined the phrase 'World Wide Web' and he is considered as father of Internet. The Internet gained popularity with the release of the first popular web browser Mosaic in 1993.

24. The technology contained in a single game boy unit in 2000 exceeds all the computing power that was used to put the first man on moon in 1969.

25. If u opened up the case of the original Macintosh, u will find 47 signatures one for each member of Apple's Macintosh divison as of 1982.

26. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built the first Apple computer from parts they got for free from their employers. Their idea for a 'PC' was rejected by the employers!

27. Apple wasn’t started in a garage, it was started in a bedroom at 11161 Crist Drive in Los Altos.

28. The "forgotten founder" Apple Ron Wayne illustrated the first Apple logo and wrote the Apple I manual. He also wrote their partnership agreement.

29. Jobs and Woz previously worked together as summer employees at HP in Palo Alto.

30. All 3 founders worked at Atari before forming Apple.

31. In 1977, VC Mike Markkula spent USD$250,000 to buy one-third of Apple Computer. He was also CEO from 1981-83.

32. The first newsletter from March 15, 1975 of the famous Homebrew Computer Club (of which Jobs and Woz belonged) asked: "What will people do with a computer in their home?" Answers ranged from "private secretary functions: text editing, mass storage, memory, etc., to control of house utilities: heating, alarms, sprinkler system, auto tune-up, cooking, etc., to GAMES: all kinds."

33. The first Apple II computers went on sale on June 5, 1977 with a 1 MHz microprocessor and 4 KB of RAM (expandable to 48 KB).

34. Apple DOS 3.1, which was the first disk-based operating system for any Apple computer, was released in June 1978 for the Apple II.

35. Steven Weyhrich: "On the old Apple DOS 3.2 disks was a cool Integer BASIC program called "APPLE-VISION". In hi-res graphics, it drew a room with a TV, and after the picture was complete, the man on the screen danced to the song "Turkey In The Straw". It was amazing to see what that 4K Apple II was capable of doing!"

36. 1980’s Apple III was the first completely new computer designed by Apple Computer, Inc. It was a commercial failure though and the Apple II was the one that paved the way in the 80’s.

37. 1983’s Apple IIe was the longest-lived Apple computer of all time, having a run of nearly eleven years.

38. The Apple Lisa was first introduced in January 1983 (announced on January 19) at a cost of $9,995 US ($19,000 in 2005 dollars). It was the first commercial personal computer to use a graphical user interface (GUI), however it was a commercial failure.

39. Named after the McIntosh apple, the original Macintosh was released on January 24, 1984. It was the first commercially successful personal computer to use agraphical user interface (GUI) and mouse instead of the then-standard command lineinterface.

40. The first 50,000 Apple IIGS computers in 1986 came with Steve Wozniak’s "Woz" signature silkscreened on the front and were referred to as the "Woz Limited Edition."

41. Apple computers were cloned in the past and many of the clones had fruit names (e.g. "Pineapple") - geddit? :-)

42. Apple’s Macintosh product line took over from the Apple II line in the early ’90s.

43. Apple announced the iMac on May 7, 1998, and started shipping the iMac on August 15 of that year.

44. The iPod was unveiled by CEO Steve Jobs on October 23, 2001 as a Mac-compatible product with a 5 GB hard drive that put “1,000 songs in your pocket.”

45.It wasn’t until July 17 2002 that Apple began selling a Windows-compatible iPod.

46. iTunes was developed from SoundJam MP, a popular commercial MP3 application distributed by the Macintosh software company Casady & Greene.

47. The iTunes Music Store was introduced to the world on April 28, 2003 - selling songs for 99c and becoming a major reason for the iPod’s success.

48. In October 2003, Apple released their first TV commercial of the silhouette campaign, which had already been featured for some time in print.

49. On January 6, 2004, Apple introduced the first iPod mini. It had 4 GB of storage and featured for the first time the "click wheel".

50. Apple announced iPod shuffle at Macworld Expo on January 11, 2005 with the taglines "Life is random" and "Give chance a chance". It had flash memory rather than a hard drive.

51. On September 7, 2005, Apple announced the successor to the iPod mini, theiPod nano

52. iPod Car integration allows one to connect an iPod to a car - in 2006 it’ll be available in a range of cars such as Lexus, Nissan, Mazda, Daihatsu, BMW, MINI, smart, and Alfa Romeo.

53. The iPod has sold 41 million overall and in the 2006 Q1 it sold 14 M - double the previous quarter!

54. On January 24 2006, Steve Jobs and Disney CEO Bob Iger announced that Disney had agreed to purchase Pixar in an all-stock transaction worth $7.4 billion - which when confirmed will make Jobs The Walt Disney Company’s largest single shareholder with 7% stock.

55. At Apple’s "Fun Products" Day on February 28, 2006, Steve Jobs announced the iPod Hi-Fi - an amplified loudspeaker system that docks with the iPod.

56. When Windows 3.1 was launched, 3 million copies were sold in the first two months.

57. Early hard drives in Personal Computers held 20 MB, or 20 Megabytes, and cost about $800. By comparison, an $8 flash drive holds 2 GB, or 2 Gigabytes. That's a 100-fold decrease in price and a 100-fold increase in capacity.

58. Static electricity so mild that humans don't even feel it can destroy computer circuitry.

59. Edsger Dijkstra is credited with the quote "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes."

60. Disk drive recording head fly height (gap between the head and disc when the drive is spinning ) is less than 1 microinch while:-
A red blood cell is 300 microinches is diameter.
A particle of tobacco smoke is 250 microinches.
A particle of smog is 100 microinches.
A human hair is 4000 microinches.

61. When the cd was invented, it was decided that a cd should be long enough to hold beethoven's Ninth Symphony at any tempo which was precisely 72 minutes.

62. Thomas Watson, founder of IBM, is sometimes quoted as asserting that the world would probably never need more than 5 computers. He was referring, of course, to main frame computers, which his company built.

63. What does 50 G.B of storage really mean?It means we can stack 3 piles of single spaced type written pages taller than the Eiffel tower and data to support this information is about 50 gigabytes.

64. HP (Hewlett Packard) was started at a garage in Palo Alto in 1939.

65. QWERTY keyboard sequence is 129 years old.

66. 1,693,000 terabytes of information are produced and stored per year.

67. Maximum numbers of transistors on a chip are on nVidia GeFore 6800 Ultra, which contains 222 million of them.

68. First ISP was “CompuServe” which was set up in 1969. This ISP is now an acquisition of AOL.

69. “The Dirty Dozen” is the name of 12 engineers who designed IBM PC.

70. It could take more than the age of universe to crack a 128 bit SSL encrypted message.

71. A program named “Rother J” was the first computer virus to come into sight “in the wild” — that is, outside the single computer or lab where it was created.

72. Do you know that the computer in your cell phone has more processing power than all the computers in the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander that helped 2 men to land on the moon?

73. The Palm O.S fits in less than 100 K,which is less than one percent the size of Windows 98 or Mac O.S.

74. One terabyte(1000 gigabytes) is equivalent to storing a stack of documents that is more than 16 times the height of New York's empire state building.

75. No piece of normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.

76. The most expensive game ever developed was "ShenMue" for sega dreamcast.It costs $20 million.

77. The superflop (LOL!) sega dreamcast, released in 1999, was the first console game machine to sport a 128 Bit architecture.

78. Tetris has sold over 40 million copies worldwide, since it began in 1982.That provided the creator 800 million in revenues

79. South korea's SK telecom offers an inaudible ring tone to its customers which, it claims, can repel mosquitoes.

80. In 1971, the first speech recognition software named, "Hearsay" was developed in India.

81. Macquariums are aquariams made from old macintosh computers.

82. Hard drives in the near future are expected to have a track density of about 100,000 tracks/inch.This means that tracks are spaced 10 millionths of an inch apart.

83. James Gosling created java at sun microsystems.He came up with the name Java while debating over it at a coffee shop.

84. Did u know Apple & Sun came very close to a merger in 1996.

85. An Amd 1400 chip running without a heatsink gets as hot as 370 degrees.

86. The worst MS-DOS virus ever, Michelangelo (1991) attacked the boot sector of your hard drive and any floppy drive inserted into the computer, which caused the virus to spread rapidly

87. [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Delete] sequence was written by “David Bradley”.

88. Windows 95 can run on a 20 MHz 386DX and 4 MB of RAM.

89. C# (pronounced C Sharp) was first known as “Cool”, a name which stood for “C like Object Oriented Language”, but was later renamed to C# in July, 2000 to coincide with its release to the public. The C# name as it stands now was musically inspired.

90. Larry Wall, the original developer of Perl, used to work for NASA. He developed it as a general purpose Unix scripting language to make his programming work simpler. The word around town is he’s pretty geeky.

91. Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, works for Google where he spends half of his time working on Python.

92. The proportion of insecure (aka “bad”) software written in PHP, out of all common software vulnerabilities, amounted to: 12% in 2003, 20% in 2004, 28% in 2005, 43% in 2006, 36% in 2007, and 33.8% for the first quarter of 2008.

93. Windows was first called as interface manager when it was first strategized. It was based off of Apple’s Mac OS.Windows has been around for 21 years now. Windows 1.0 hit the shelves in November of 1985. It is believed that Bill Gates got the idea of Windows OS from Steve Jobs.

94. The Windows operating system has 50 million lines of code (a line averages 60 characters) and grows 20% with every release. It’s put together by 7,200 people, comes in 34 languages and has to support 190,000 devices–different models of digital cameras, printers, handhelds and so on.”

95. There were 103 million worldwide in 2005, and the growth rate seems to be around 10 to 15 percent per year. Windows operating system claims to have a market share between 35% to 40%. Wow, there are 400 million Windows users.

96. There are 250,000 to 300,000 applications for Windows

97. Microsoft has a dubious record of having the most number of crashes. It is believed that there are around 25 million crashes everyday.

98. Although apple claims 1 million conversions from Windows to Mac, 85% of the computers worldwide run on Windows.

99. There are 50 new fonts in Windows 7 and 34 languages in total.

100. Windows 7 is available at more than 45,000 retailers around the world.

101. These are the canceled versions of Windows:

• 1996 May 3 – Windows Nashville (windows 96)
• 1997-1998 – Cairo (a “true object-oriented OS”) planned after Windows NT; if released would be similar to DesktopX (but at a lower level)
• 1999 December – Windows Neptune (Windows neptune is a version of microsoft windows that was planned to be the home consumer edition of windows…) was sent out to betatesters but was never released, Exception Handler: No article summary found.Should have been successor to Windows 2000.

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