Thursday, July 21, 2011


Geek House: 10 Hardware Hacking Projects for Around Home

Book Description
From the garage to the living room, Geek House provides hackers with 10 PC-based hardware hacking projects that are not for the faint of heart!
Taking the DIY mentality to a whole new level, this book teaches techies how to hack, customize, and modify everything-from their sprinkler systems to the temperature of their barbecues
Adventurous readers will feast on such projects as installing a bar code inventory system for DVDs or CDs, converting RS232 to wireless, scheduling recording from any television in the house, and creating a remote control finder
Companion Web site includes the custom software and source code needed to power these geeky creations
From the Back Cover
How smart is your house?
So your home’s more like “ho-hum”? Don’t wait for the techno-dwelling of tomorrow; do a little geek remodeling today. Make your TV turn itself down when the phone rings. Let your computer water the lawn. Install a kitchen PC that will automatically pull that award-winning sushi recipe off the Internet. And when you’ve finished these projects, we’ll bet you’ll be ready to create a few of your own.
Try one, try all
Covers what you’ll need, where to find it, and how to build the project
X-10 under the hood
Wireless RS-232 link
Home television server
Security monitoring
TV mute on phone ring
Anything inventory
In-counter kitchen PC
Automated BBQ temperature control
Automated sprinkler control
Car PC
Book Details
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Wiley (May 6, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0764579568
ISBN-13: 978-0764579561
File Size: 8.0 MiB
Hits: 1,547 times
Download Here :-

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