Friday, March 16, 2012

How to Become the Worlds No. 1 Hacker Short & Simple

Every day, we hear and see in the news about constant cyber attacks, where hackers have stolen identities, taken millions of dollars, or even shut down websites and companies in their entirety. The reason why hacking will never die is because we hire IT-Managers, who are not hackers, to protect our networks. Statistics show that every 6 seconds a personal computer is hacked into. Many consumers rely on the concept that the applications that came installed on their brand new computers, are kryptonite and impenetrable by hackers. They believe and trust that the “Geek Squad”, Norton and other anti-hacker applications can protect them. However, this is entirely false!

We have all heard the adage, “In order to catch a thief, it takes a thief”, well, “in order to catch a hacker it takes a hacker.” Gregory Evans, world renowned security expert, will show you step by step what tools hackers use to get into your network. Evans will then take those same tools and show you step by step how to hack into your own network.

This guide covers:

- Installing Spyware 
- Cracking Wireless Networks
- Hacking into a computer 
- Hacking Web Servers
- Tapping VOIP telephones 
- Password Cracking
- Hacking Voicemail 
- How to make money as a Certified Ethical Hacker

Download Link :-
Become the Worlds No. 1 Hacker Short & Simple

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