Monday, April 1, 2013

MESSAGE to all programmers and Hackers.

A serious MESSAGE to all programmers and Hackers. 

This is to all programmers who want to make it big Today. Get it from us. 
Languages you need to Learn Today(HIGH MARKET DEMAND).
(1) VB.NET 
(2) PHP (HTML / CSS / JAVA Script / JSON / AJAX)
(3) C#
(4) JAVA 
(5) SQL / My SQL
(6) Python

For Mobile Devices
(1) Android
(2) JAVA2-Micro Edition (J2ME)
(3)IOS objective C

(1) MVC framework for C# and VB.NET
(2) CakePHP or Symfony or Zend framework for PHP

VB.NET can create great desktop applications and it is such a developed and mature language with a great IDE, and millions of
in built functionality. It can be used to develop very nice applications if a developer is well conversant with the language.
Creating well customized interfaces is also easy and it has a lot of support and documentation all over the internet.

PHP is a very powerful language. It complements HTML quite well. It is used to implement the back end functionality
of a website. It is like the engine it does the functions e.g. log in, log out, saving,updating, deleting, session handling, file uploads,
blog creation, validation, eCommerce implementation, user registration and many more. PHP, HTML, JAVA script, CSS, JSON, AJAX
all go together.

C# (C-Sharp) is used to develop web applications. It is a great language and besides it having a very advanced and mature IDE (Visual Studio),
it has a lot of suportive documentation all over the internet. It is great and can develop very nice applications which are web based.
It has been used to develop the internet banking system for <<<Banks>>>Hackers are watching >:-)

Java is also one of the leading programming languages. It can be used almost anywhere but especially if you are dealing with
an open source OS. If you are supposed to develop and deploy your application in linux the developer will just have to code
with the open source programming languages like Java / PHP e.t.c. It is real plus if you have this in your docket

SQL / MySQL - This is great for data handing and manipulation. A serious developer needs to get their database development skills
sharpened because you will need to create a good database to contain your data. Get good at creating entities, relationships and
normalizing your database. This is enough to start you off.

J2ME - Java 2 Micro Edition is used in developing mobile applications it is quite good and can do really good mobile applications
for the Symbian operating system running on phones e.g. Nokia

Android is great programming language for the Android devices around, like Android tablets and especially Android phones. It is
so great and there is a lot of resource material over the net interms of sample codes, blogs, documentations; you simply
cannot get stuck because the resource materials are just so many. Also, you can deploy your projects in your andriod phone
test it live and show your friends.

Advice to students
(1) Get good at programing while still in campus. Listen and liaise closely with your lecturers for they know a lot and are willing to help.
(2) Get to know at least two programming languages. Preferably one for developing web applications and one for desktop applications
(3) Whatever language you know, know it well and get comfortable with it.
(4) Learn a framework
e.g. MVC framework for C# or VB.NET
Cake PHP or Zend framework or Symfony for PHP (I recommend Cake PHP - it has a lot of documentation over the net)
(5) Keep current with the technological news.

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